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Tried Fad diets, yo yo ing and the biggest loser style exercise that makes you vomit (literally) then never attempted them again?
I am sick of the weight loss industries money making attitude to people’s health. You Won’t find any of that here!
We Change Lives changes the way you feel about food – the types of food, portion sizes, emotional attachment to food and exercise motivation, just to name a few. Got a penchant for chocolate or ice cream- no problems- we change the way you feel about that too.
At We Change Lives i work with you through a multitude of techniques over multiple sessions so that you have the best chance of getting the results that you always wanted and to put an end to the endless cycle of start-fail-start-fail diets.
Some of our programs include –
Four sessions of intensive retraining (subconsciously and consciously) that addresses all issues including excessive eating, portion sizes, quality of food, binge eating, exercise motivation, actual exercise, comfort eating and the reasons why you eat the way you do and reprogramming all of the above issues so that you think differently about the food you eat and how much you eat.
Six sessions of intensive retraining with all of the benefits of the four session addressing all the issues with regard to weight loss listed above. In the six session there is the opportunity to explore and resolve any past or present emotional issues that may enhance the outcome of the program. There is also the opportunity to “install” a hypnotic gastric band for clients that need the extra help.
A whopping 10 sessions of a combination of hypnotherapy, personal training, martial arts, Qi gong and brain gym that will break down the barriers and blocks that you have and establish healthy lifestyle patterns, enhance mental capabilities, mind and body fitness as well as eliminating limiting beliefs. This program definitely has the potential to change your life – Whether it be for weight loss, achieving more out of life, getting the spark back into your life or enabling you to further your career.
I want to bring this to your attention – This is not a lose 20 KG in 2 weeks type of program. If you are looking for a “quick fix”, where you will inevitably put the weight back on you might want to look elsewhere. If on the other hand you want long term results keep reading. We change the way you feel about food and exercise and this is done in a way that is sustainable and long term. If you are prepared to have some patience and you want permanent change, then, by all means, make contact with me and i will go through with you, a plan of how we will achieve this and make the long term changes in your life.
Call Graham now on 0417 306 823 to start your journey to be fit and trim.
If requested there is a no obligation free initial 30 minute consultation to see if this is right for you*.
*Maybe in person or phone consultation depending on distance and availability